Welcome to an evening of books and music!

Frode Grytten and Morten Qvenild put words and music to the area that is populated with personnel who are supposed to defend us, but who should scare us more than anything else, to Area 51 in Nevada, USA - the land beyond the land. The music reflects the division between natural and man-made, the dynamic and the controlled.

That same evening, somewhere else on the globe, we find ourselves in a fjord with shuttle driver Nils Vik, on his last journey, on the last day of his life. The Day Nils Vik Died is Frode Grytten's last and critically acclaimed novel. A journey through landscape, life and people. Listen to Frode Grytten in conversation with Anne Spånem.

AREA 51 - THE LAND BEYOND THE LAND - A POLITICALLY AND URGENTLY IMPORTANT WORK BY FRODE GRYTTEN AND MORTEN QVENILD We are living in the middle of a war, a war we don't even get to see, because it is not being fought on the traditional battlefield. This war is being fought underground and in the air, with machines, cables, fiber, satellites, drones. It's a secret war, classified and invisible, with budgets not subject to democratic control. The combatants operate in black areas, places that are not plotted on the map, in the land that exists beyond the country. War has become a blood stain that has penetrated so deeply into everyday life that it is colored in the same way as everything around it, as part of an ordinary garment. We live with war like fish live in water.

The work "Landet bortanom landet" (The land beyond the land) thematizes this development in words and music, and shows how war today has become an invisible value. It expresses a fear that we can no longer oppose war because it no longer exists. We don't discuss the development of new systems for killing each other, or the militarization of space, or the huge military budgets. Most of us don't know anything about the programs that have been initiated and that operate outside of us. "The Land Beyond the Land" takes us to an area populated by personnel who are supposed to defend us, but who should scare us more than anything else on the planet.

OMRÅDE 51, or Area 51, is the name of a secret area in Nevada where the US military tests aircraft and weapon systems. It is also a control center for advanced drones. This is where the legendary U2 aircraft was tested, and important parts of the technology behind the moon missions were developed. The music is set in this landscape, a place where desert art and techno live side by side. The music will reflect the division between the natural and the man-made, the dynamic and the controlled.

More: Frode Grytten - Vocals Morten Qvenild - Music and Vocals Ivar Grydeland - Guitars, Banjo and Pedal Steel Stig Gunnar Ringen - Sound Jan Erik Holto - Lighting and Video

Organizers: The House of Literature in Skien, Skiensjazzdraget and Ibsenhuset


Photo (Qvenild, M. & Grytten, F.): Andre Løyning Photo (Grytten, F.): Helge Skodvin

Ticket prices: Regular: 300 Members of the House of Literature in Skien / : 200 Students: 100


Lundegt. 6, Ibsenhuset
3724 Skien

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Nov 20, 2024


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